Today’s startup world isn’t worse than yesterday’s – The Term Sheet: Fortune’s deals blogTerm [...]
How Stagnation — and Pivoting — Can Crush a Startup
10 Best Industries to Start a Business in 2013
JFDI: The Frog’s Story, Secret Sauce, and Challenges
AppArchitect Lets Anyone Build iOS Apps, No Coding Or Templates Necessary Kind regards, Julien Julien de Salaberry Managing Director M: +65 9488 7334 E: [...]
Looking to Join the Lean Start-up Movement? I love Lean. In my eyes, the work Steve Blank, Eric Ries, and others have done to provide a cogent, accessible frame around the academic concepts of [...]
Should You Focus on Mobile Apps or a Mobile Website for Your Business?
5 Practical Tips for Perfecting Your Startup Pitch